Getting people to interact on community-driven websites takes time, effort and the correct formula. You also have to ensure that your community website has the right reputation if you want to engage new contributors and allow your community-based site to grow. Increasing users to your site can be accomplished in several ways.
Encourage Communication
The best way to increase your number of users is to encourage the lines of communication between you and the internet world. You can turn your website’s observers into contributors by ensuring that people know what it is they can do. You have to use actionable language and multiple entry ports to tell people how they can contribute. If observers have a clear understanding of exactly how they can interact, then they will be more likely to do so.
Another way to encourage communication is to remove any content that eliminates or discourages active discussion. You want to develop a reputation with your users that your site provides open discussions and communications. A community manager can be very useful for creating your site’s reputation management plan. These managers can directly communicate with users and encourage new users to join. They can also take steps to prevent your site from becoming hostile to new users, as sometimes happens when online communities become well established.
Managing Your Reputation
An online reputation is derived from your actions and what people say about your actions, so you want to take the proper steps to ensure that people are saying the right things. Online reputation management can be used as part of your strategy to strengthen your relationship with the community. You want to make sure that your site is sending the right message and if you reward and promote your good contributes people will receive that message.
Eliminating anything that discourages communication while promoting good contributions will set your community-based site up with a good reputation. The better reputation your site has, the faster it will grow.
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