Plethora of New Netflix Devices
The popular DVD renter Netflix started its business sending out titles by mail, but soon after its initial success in this field, it pioneered the online movie streaming market.

Today, there are a plethora of Netflix-compatible devices that you can purchase to avoid the US postman. Probably the most common device (and the original Netflix box) is the Roku Digital Video Player, which is priced at just $100. The Roku DVR has built in WiFi for streaming the rented videos out to your home display devices, like HD flat screen displays or overhead projectors.
XBox 360
But other devices abound. The Microsoft Xbox 360 is now Netflix enabled, as well as the Sony PlayStation 3. That means you can play games and watch movies at the same time! In addition, you can use your TiVo HD and HD XL DVR to download and store your movies for later viewing.