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Netflix makes Subtitles Available on Desktop Viewing

Netflix makes Subtitles Available on Desktop Viewing

Netflix recently announced on their blog that subtitles are available on some movies streaming to the PC/Mac. About 100 titles have been added to the close caption selection. Over time the DVD rental and streaming media company hopes to add additional titles to the close caption available group in addition to other streaming devices.

The company posted in June of 2009 that they were working on the technology and explained the difficulty in adding subtitles to movies post-production. Silverlight clients are the easiest formats to deliver the new functionality and therefore the release of PC/Mac subtitles this year.

Also look for other platforms to have close captioning in the coming months. Lost Seasons One through Four are some of the television episodes that you can watch on your desktop to see the new technology in action. English subtitles on English video isn’t something the company expects to be widely used but finds the development of the technology important.

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Netflix Will Be Available on the PS3

Netflix Will Be Available on the PS3

Playstation 3 will soon have Netflix streaming like other game councils on the market (XBox). There’s just one additional step that PS3 owners will need to perform each time they want to watch streaming Netflix content, a temporary install. Netflix has produced a disc that will be available in the coming weeks which will allow for content to stream but the software needs to be installed each time. The company has setup a reservation form at the following location:

Embedded Solution

The steaming disc presented the fastest and easiest way for PS3 owners to stream Netflix according to the company. Netflix hopes to have a permanent solution next year that will not required the streaming disc to be inserted for the service to operate. Wii is another game council the team at Netflix hopes to have streaming options for in the future as their current agreement with Microsoft for the XBox has been beneficial for both companies.