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What Is The Aim For Your Music

When you’re taking part in the music business, there are a number of things you need to do: Practice your art till you are good enough to compete with the already established acts out there, set yourself a USP (Unique Selling Point) to differentiate yourself from the competition or fill in a gap in the market, and make sure you promote your music enough in order for it to sell.

These are all important things you need to do, and will fit in to the general aim you have for your music career. Before we go any further however, I’d like to ask you what the main aim for your music career is? I ask this because not many people really know. They say they want to make a lot of money from their music and get well know and on TV, but is this really a aim? Well I suppose it is, but it’s not a S.M.A.R.T aim. And by S.M.A.R.T aim I mean Specific, Measured, Aimed, Realistic and Timed. So why do you need S.M.A.R.T aims?

Well, first of all because is sets of a good business plan for your music If your plan is too general, you won’t know what steps you have to take in order to make your plans a reality, nor would you be able to track your progress as you continue on your journey. You may be making mistakes or not be where you should be at that point, but unless you make a plan of when you should have achieved each goal by, how would you know?

You can use a top quality mailing list service for musicians and be fluent on all the social networking sites on the net, but if you can’t draw up a good business plan and stick to it, your work will be a lot harder then it needs to be.

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Cheer up by watching Malayalam movies online

The culture of different states in India varies a lot. I love Mallu community for their fun and action oriented spirit in their films. So when ever you happen to have a bad day – your boyfriend left you or your boss wasn’t happy with your work or you burned you dinner – try watching Malayalam movies online for cheering up. But what films to look for if you are new to this part of the world?

There two huge stars in Kerala, the southern state of India, where Malayalam is the main language. These stars are Mohanlal and Mammootty. Mohanlal is THE comedy star for sure. I hope you can find subtitles when watching Malayalam movies online, but even if you don’t, he just so funny to watch even. The language is important still, as most of his jokes are dialog-based. One of the funniest films by Mohanlal is Boeing Boeing. It was release in 1985. There are parts in this film that people in Kerala know by hart. The movie has lifted the spirit of Mallu community for decades by now. The movie called Vellanakalude Naadu from 1988 is an other one you wouldn’t want to miss.

If it is the action that you need to forget about all the sorrow in your life, then watch films by Suresh Gopi. It is not all pieace and fun in India and Suresh Gopi has performed well to bring it up. The systems can be corrupted and the criminals very dangerous. Try to find a movie called Commissioner from 1994 and enjoy the unforgettable acting talent of this guy.

And if all this hasn’t really helped to get your mood up, then maybe South-Indian style is not what your cup of tea as they say. Try something North-Indian and listen to some Punjabi songs that can be extreme energy boosters, look for bhangra style. At least half of Punjabi songs should get you going for sure.

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Is Facebook Good For Promoting Your Music?

It’s what people wonder no matter what type of business they’re into: how to get facebook fans. We all know that we’re meant to get a load of Facebook fans to make our marketing campaign that bit easier, but not every one knows how to use or interact with these fans. In some industries, for example the music industry, not everyone is even sure if more Facebook fans would benefit them.

Being involved in the music business myself, I can tell you right now that getting Facebook fans is a important role in your promotion. I know many musicians find it hard to get Facebook fans, but that’s only because you’re used to the mass following of the MySpace days. The thing is, on Facebook people won’t add you unless they’re generally interested in what you have to say or offer. With MySpace you could get an add of any random person and it wouldn’t be an issue.

The good thing about Facebook is the people that add you will be genuinely interested in what you’re offering. That means you have a chance to turn them into life long fans with some follow up relationship building. I’d sooner take 200 friends on FB then I would 2000 ‘friends’ on MySpace. The quality of the interaction is so much better, and these people will intentionally listen to your music rather then just have it automatically play when you go onto their page.

So, now you know you need to promote your music with Facebook, what is the best way about doing that? Well, from what I’ve seen it’s a good idea to create a Band Page tab for your Facebook fan page. If you’re not sure how to do this, check out this article on how to create a band page on facebook. This will allow you to stream your music directly on Facebook, let people buy your music and more.

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Video Games vs Traditional Games

Most people born in the nineties or after won’t be able to conceive of a time before personal computers and video game consoles were mainstays in homes. But those of us who are a little older can remember the fun we used to have before the digital world took over – playing games that may be primitive compared to the titles available on the Xbox 360 or PS3, but somehow provided endless hours of fun all the same.

That’s not to say traditional games have all gone the way of the dinosaur though, and anyone who’s spent any time with a toddler will know that peek-a-boo is still a winner. But it seems to be increasingly the case that imaginative games like hide and seek or I-spy are relegated to times and places when video games are unavailable, like visiting grandparents or travelling in the car. But with many cars now featuring game consoles to entertain younger passengers, these places are getting scarcer.

But are video games really that damaging to children’s development? The format has been criticised for its vegetative effects since the early days of the Atari and Commodore 64 (in many cases, correctly so!) But it can be argued that playing video games in sensible moderation can actually improve certain skills, such as hand-eye coordination and problem solving. They can also be a highly effective way of keeping kids quiet and entertained for an afternoon, and surely more rewarding than sticking kids in front of the TV?

While some traditional kid’s games manage to peacefully coexist with modern-day video games, some genres seem to have become relics of the retro age, particularly board games. Eighties kids may have been satisfied throwing dice and moving coloured counters around a board, but of all the boxed games we had piled high in our wardrobes, few of these could really be considered classics.

And what of those that were? Well, firm favourites like Scrabble have now been expertly transferred to video game form themselves, where players have the opportunity to compete against friends or other people around the world, either through dedicated gaming sites or social networks like Facebook. Some games that can be intolerably frustrating in the slow-paced home environment can actually be improved by the digital transition, like Monopoly in particular.

There’s a place for all kinds of games in the modern world, even if the omnipresence of video games can make this hard to see sometimes. While video games certainly aren’t just for kids, I’ve noticed that the older people get, the less interest they tend to have in the sort of titles commonly available on game consoles – like shoot-em-ups or time-consuming role-playing games – but will usually be up for a play if board games and other party games are brought out at family events.

Jennifer is a part of the digital blogging team at who work with brands like Woolworths. For more information about me, or to keep up to date with the latest in entertainment news, check out my posts at or visit my Twitter account, @BlogsOut

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Movies: Top 5 Sequels

Sequels are often panned for being lazy and derivative excuses to pinch more pennies out of an already exhausted idea. No matter how atrocious the predecessor is, if the cash is rolling in, a sequel even more disastrous is probably in the pipeline. However on a rare occasion a sequel will outstrip its predecessor; faith is restored. A brief respite when cineastes everywhere rejoice and acclaim the brilliance of narrative continuation. So here are 10 movies that were better than their predecessors

The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

This gripping follow-up laid claim that a sequel should be darker than the predecessor. The Empire Strikes Back is constructed of scenes awash with Lucas’s unworldly imagination consisting of immense screen battles none more memorable than the Hoth Battle as well as new characters including Yoda, Land and Boba Fett. Of course there’s also shock revelations (“I am your father”). A touchstone for a generation.

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Remarkably, originally intended as a straight to DVD movie. But Toy Story 2 hit all the right buttons and asserts itself as the greatest animated sequel to have graced the big screen; a truly uplifting family movie that grips the audience from start to finish. As all good sequels should,  fresh new characters are introduced as well taking old ones into new territory. In some ways, it’s a tragic tale of a child growing out of toys, old-fashioned cowboy Woody is told to forget about being loved by kids forever and embrace his role in a retro toy collection.

The Dark Knight (2008)

Christopher Nolan’s re-imagining of the Batman lore is simply tenacious and arguably the greatest comic-book movie ever made. This enthralling sequel is all the more haunting as we witness Heath Ledger, in his penultimate movie; give the performance of a lifetime, exquisitely portraying the psychotic Joker. Nolan’s rumination on the aftershocks of Batman’s origin belongs on the list of the greatest films of all time.

Godfather II (1974)

Opinions are divided whether this sprawling epic outstrips its predecessor, what is undoubted is that both definitely outdo the overrated Godfather 3.   Coppola’s disinclined return sees him delivering a damning picture which captures the intensity of Al Pacino’s Michael Corleone in the a way that The Godfather simply couldn’t. Michael emerges from teh shadows to assert a stranglehold over his empire. The effectiveness of the two intertwining tales is sheer brilliance, following the rise of Pacino’s mobster as he gains the world but loses his soul whilst simultaneously exploring the founding of the Corleone crime empire by Vito Corleone, played by De Niro.

Evil Dead 2 (1987)

Sam Raimi’s low budget cult film is essentially a B-movie come good. Evil Dead 2 made zilch when it opened in 1987, but has built up a diehard fan base due to its downright ridiculous and incomprehensible narrative. So why is it placed? For one it’s hilarious gory. Also, star Bruce Campbell’s chainsaw/shotgun combo is outlandishly genius. But mainly, to witness a young Raimi demonstrate his undoubted potential with manic montages and mastermind camera work.

Aidan Donovan is a copywriter for an electrical company that deal in a selection of electrical appliances from cheap washer dryers to washing machines.

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The Best Romantic Movies Ever

Even if you are feeling down in the dumps and completely cynical about life, a great romantic movie can turn things around instantly. It can be just the thing to renew your hope in the human spirit while reminding you of why people fall in love in the first place. After all, who doesn’t have relationships or dating on their mind at all times? Great romantic movies can be the perfect distraction while you search for your own true love in real life. Sometimes they can be wickedly realistic, or other times they might feature more make-believe elements like magic love spells or fairytale endings. But whatever specific formula a romantic movie follows, the best ones are able to cut to our soul by the time the final credits roll. Here are some of the best romantic movies that you can rent if you need a quick boost of true love.

Sleepless in Seattle – no one could have predicted that this movie would have become as huge as it did. Even though it would be considered old by some standards today, it can still hold its own against any romantic movie that Hollywood turns out now. It’s interesting to remember that the two characters don’t even meet until the very end of the movie. How magical is that?

Wall-E – this movie makes the list because of the unusual fact that the two main characters aren’t human at all. But when everything is said and done this movie features one of the greatest love stories of all time between two lovable robots. And along the way, we get messages about the importance of preserving the environment, protecting the earth, and how love is the most essential thing of all.

Titanic – if you have three hours to kill that it might be time to revisit this instant classic. A lot of people forget that the filming of Titanic was plagued with numerous problems and an overinflated budget. As it turns out, none of that matters today because all we think of when we think of this movie is one of the best romantic films of all time.