Even if you are feeling down in the dumps and completely cynical about life, a great romantic movie can turn things around instantly. It can be just the thing to renew your hope in the human spirit while reminding you of why people fall in love in the first place. After all, who doesn’t have relationships or dating on their mind at all times? Great romantic movies can be the perfect distraction while you search for your own true love in real life. Sometimes they can be wickedly realistic, or other times they might feature more make-believe elements like magic love spells or fairytale endings. But whatever specific formula a romantic movie follows, the best ones are able to cut to our soul by the time the final credits roll. Here are some of the best romantic movies that you can rent if you need a quick boost of true love.
Sleepless in Seattle – no one could have predicted that this movie would have become as huge as it did. Even though it would be considered old by some standards today, it can still hold its own against any romantic movie that Hollywood turns out now. It’s interesting to remember that the two characters don’t even meet until the very end of the movie. How magical is that?
Wall-E – this movie makes the list because of the unusual fact that the two main characters aren’t human at all. But when everything is said and done this movie features one of the greatest love stories of all time between two lovable robots. And along the way, we get messages about the importance of preserving the environment, protecting the earth, and how love is the most essential thing of all.
Titanic – if you have three hours to kill that it might be time to revisit this instant classic. A lot of people forget that the filming of Titanic was plagued with numerous problems and an overinflated budget. As it turns out, none of that matters today because all we think of when we think of this movie is one of the best romantic films of all time.
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