The Walking Dead is a TV series inspired by the comic book creator Robert Kirkman. It was adapted into a television series adapted by the AMC directed by Frank Darabont and its first season was released last October 31, 2010. The story is about the survival of a police officer Rick Grimes in a zombie apocalypse. In the Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 1, “Days Gone Bye”, the protagonist experienced coma and awakens in a changed world overrun with zombies. On his road to survival, he met Morgan who also watched his back to survive the outbreak of the zombies. Rick tried to look for ways on how to protect themselves from the attack of the zombies, so he tried to return to the police station where he used to work and found out that the weapons remained locked up safely. On his way to find the other survivors, he ran out of gas and ended up at Atlanta where he met Glenn. Together, they discovered ways to disguise such as rubbing the dead parts in their bodies to fool the dead. Zombies however, are slowly moving and are easy to kill.
The Walking Dead was nominated for Best Television Series Drama at the 68th Golden Globe Awards and was named during the American Film Institute Awards 2010 as one of the top 10 television programs of 2010. Due to this success, producers were pressured to make the Walking Dead Season 2 to exceed the fans’ expectations. There has still no exact date on when season two will be released but Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman said that there will be an increased amount of zombie killing plus more exciting and thrilling adventures.
A DVD copy of the first season of this frequently watched TV series is now out in stores worldwide. This 2-disc set includes all six episodes of the show:
- Disc 1
o Days Gone Bye
o Guts
o Tell it to the Frogs
o Vatos - Disc 2
o Wildfire
o TS-19