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VHS To DVD – An Easy Route For Those That Are Too Busy

Three different VHS-family video cassettes. Fr...
Image via Wikipedia

If you have a big collection of old home movies on VHS but you are just too busy to get really complicated, then let’s make this simple. Honestech has your back.

VHS officially only lasts about 10-12 years in terms of delivering the best performance. After that, age and environment can work together to tear away at the binder material that has held the magnetic particles on the tape all of those years.  As the chemical that binds the material to the tape breaks down, so will your VHS memories, too. The sooner you act, the safer you and your videos will be.

Now, there are quite a number of VHS to DVD video converters on the market out there that will rescue your memories quickly and easily – the two most important factors for the busy person like yourself. Some of these can also save you a tremendous amount of money as well – especially compared to the prices of the expensive high end video transfer service companies out in the market. The Honestech VHS to DVD 5.0 digital conversion kit meets all of these requirements and satisfies most consumers’ expectations for transferring video that is over a decade old. Honestech comes with hardware and software to convert the video. Most people already have all of the other equipment that is needed. Other required equipment is a VCR or camcorder to play the old videos and a DVD burner, which may already be installed in your computer from when you bought it. You will also need some video editing software but you can use the free editing software that came with your computer.

Here is how it works. The video capture hardware will connect to a VCR or camcorder on one end of the converter box with an “S-Video” cable or a “composite video” cable and a USB 2.0 cable that connects to a PC on the other end of the converter box. All of these cables come with your Honestech. It is that easy. You can even use the system with other media formats such as VHS-C or Beta as long as the device playing those tapes connect to the cables that are used for the VHS format. Usually, this is the case.

So if you need a VHS transfer DVD kit to get your videos converted and doing it yourself sounds doable to you, then the Honestech VHS to DVD 5.0 kit is ready for you. Get one today and you will be on your way in no time.


Reading Novels an Adventure in Itself

Reading for the sheer pleasure of it is one of the most satisfying pursuits one could have. This is because there are just so many worlds waiting to be discovered and so many characters that are waiting to be introduced to you and so many ideas needing to be shared. Knowledge has been mainly spread by the act of reading, and to have some enjoyment while doing so is truly special.

Novels form a major part of what is read for enjoyment. It is mainly fictional, which deal with an event or several events that are not based in real life. Facts take a back seat to the richness of an author’s imagination, to the inventiveness and creativity which his writing ability and experience allows. This is usually the case even tough novels could at times be based upon something that is real or factual. In any case, reading, and reading novels in particular, could be adventures by themselves.

Speaking of adventure, one of the best sources of that in fiction is the so-called mystery novel. These types of novel usually involve a crime to be solved, and it is this element of mystery which has captured the imagination of countless readers. Those who begin reading the best of these types of novels find themselves drawn in by the skillfully weaved tangle of crime. Readers find themselves drawn in, and read on until the end, when the mystery is solved.

And the obviously named adventure novel also draws plenty of readers because it usually involves much action and risk. In it, a hero usually goes on a quest or difficult undertaking, exposing himself to countless perils along the way.

Reading to enjoy is an action that can be beneficial in so many ways. First off, it helps in keeping the mind active, as the reader is actively thinking and anticipating what would happen next. And so in the process, it becomes an adventure in itself, with the reader taking the role of hero who conquers the day in the end.