Online Games street fighter pc wii XBOX 360

How to Win at Online Games – Victory Can be Yours

Arcade fighting games
Image via Wikipedia

Let’s get real about our online gaming experiences. Winning is great, but probably the only thing better than winning is your opponent accusing you of cheating. It’s bad if you actually are cheating, but there’s ways of playing a game using methods that are so strong it might feel like cheating.

We’re going to argue that there’s nothing wrong with this.

A video game does not know honour, it only knows of winners and losers. A player should do whatever it takes to win the game they are playing if that is what provides them with enjoyment.

We’re going to go through a list of slightly dirty and underhanded tactics to allow you to truly win at video games.

Wall Glitches In certain First Person Shooter games, it is possible to position yourself against walls in a certain way so that you can see through them. The extra intelligence gained by the player in seeing the opponents early can help them gain a large positional advantage in preparation for an upcoming shootout. Certain Real Time Strategy games may have bugs that allow unintentional cliff walking to occur. Simply put, if it can be done without third party software or hacking methods, then it’s fair to do despite what some may claim.

Priority Exploitation Fighting games such as Tekken, StreetFighter and Mortal Kombat assign priorities to moves as to which will hit the other character and which wont. For example Street Fighter, David Sirlin wrote about winning a game using Rose’s low-strong punch repeatedly, due to its quick animation and high priority. While this upset a lot of people in the gaming community, it won him a game he believed he would have lost.

Learning the strong positions In the Tekken series, there is a character called Lei, perhaps one of the strongest in the game. The advantage of Lei over other character is his broad range of positions and stances to attack from. With correct execution of stance changes, he can be one of the most unpredictable fighters in the game. His ground position is probably one of the strongest as he has quick evasion and a number of devastating up kicks with good speed and range. You should abuse stronger positions and characters as much as you can to win games.

Meta Play Gaining access to an opposing clan’s or guild’s tactics in a multiplayer strategy game, or even an MMO is a great way to ensure victory. In the videogame Heroes of Newerth and Dota/Dota 2, a five hero line-up is picked from a wide pool of heroes. If you had the ability to infiltrate their clan, and know their line-up before your group played against them it would be a massive and nearly game-breaking advantage.

Turtling Part of winning a game is about not losing the game. In a matchup, an audience might appreciate wild and aggressive moves, but these are not always going to win you the game. Sometimes it is just best to play a defensive and safe strategy, and wait for your opponent to become frustrated and make mistakes. It’s not flashy but it wins games.

Hopefully you enjoyed these tips. Remember, don’t cheat at games but use every single method at your disposal to gain the upper hand. It will be much more fun that way.


This article on video games is brought to you by the team at HirePulse, an Australian site helping people find the services they need. Written by the team at Living Online, a digital media advisory.


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