Magicians, released in 2007, is a British comedy about two magicians named Harry and Karl. They are friends that hold magic shows together until one tragic magic competition when a fatal accident occurs. When Carol (the assistant) enters the box for the guillotine act, she ends up decapitated. The pair of magicians ends on a sour note and become bitter rivals. They meet up again at a magic competition years later. Linda (Harry’s assistant for this show) begs him to perform his guillotine act and, after dragging his feet, he agrees. Once on stage Linda runs off, chickening out of helping Harry with the act. Karl steps up and helps his friend and the trick is performed with great success. The movie ends with Karl and Harry teaming up once again and taking their show on the road.
The magician movie, called The Prestige, is about two magicians that were, at first, great friends. The story takes place in 19th century London and is about magicians Robert Angier and his assistant Alfred Borden. When Robert Angier’s wife dies, because of an act, they have a fall out and become each others enemy. The pair spends their time upstaging one another and end up using more and more daring illusions. This rivalry between the two grows stronger and they go as far as sabotaging each others acts. The movie features Hugh Jackman as Robert Angier and Christian Bale as Alfred Bordon. The release date for The Prestige was in 2006.
The Illusionist, released in 2006, displays the life of a magician who, through social class, loses Sophie, the love of his life. The magician, Eisenheim, perfects his magical skills throughout the years until he meets up with his love once again. He finds she is about to marry a Crown Prince and plans a way to stop the marriage. He uses his magic on Sophie to win her affections once again. The Illusionist is filled with romance, intrigue and mystery.
Houdini is without a doubt the most well known magician that ever walked the earth. His magic tricks were revolutionary in his day. The magic movie Houdini tells about his entire life story, from the time that he immigrated to the US. It also tells the story about his time as a seance de-bunker. This was a time in his life that he did not want to perform magical shows up until his untimely death. The love story with his wife Bess is woven throughout the entire movie. She was a big part of his life. The movie was first shown on TV in 1998 and was later released onto DVD.
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